
Why HR Software?

Why HR Software?

About the importance of human resource management software (HR software)

Just as they continue to rely on the typewriter, innovative and expanding companies today cannot do without the use of adequate HR software. Modern HR software can simplify workflows in many areas and thus increase the efficiency of the individual departments. In recent years, the following aspects in particular have emerged:

  • The ROI of human resource management software has been proven by numerous studies.
  • Talent management is considered to be the most important factor in modern, strategic HR work (demographic change in particular is making HR development even more important).
  • Employee and management self-services significantly reduce administrative efforts in the HR department while increasing employee satisfaction.
  • Employees are the most important stakeholders of a company - employee motivation is an outstanding factor for corporate success. Therefore, continuous personnel development is of inestimable importance for employee retention and employer branding
  • The use of high-quality HR software ensures a significant reduction in administrative effort, especially in the creation of reports, analyses and simulations.
  • Up-to-the-minute evaluation of KPIs facilitates strategic corporate planning.
  • DSGVO-compliant storage and processing of personal-based data (employee self-disclosure, no unsafe data exports to Excel & Co.)
  • The existence of a qualification matrix (target/actual comparison of jobs and employees employed) is a basic requirement for strategic personnel management and elementary for certification according to ISO 9001 - quality management.
  • By expanding the range of e-learning content, comparatively expensive face-to-face seminars can be saved. And this aspect will continue to gain in importance in the future.
  • Vacancies and bottlenecks can be identified at an early stage by personnel management systems, thus enabling forward-looking personnel planning.

A multitude of software solutions (there are more than 250 providers in German-speaking countries alone) are available for these tasks. In this jungle of different offerings, it is easy to lose orientation - benefit from our specialization in HR software.

Let us help you choose a software solution tailored to your business.

Contact us directly for a non-binding consultation. We look forward to meeting you and your company!

Jannis Hollmann
Project Manager

Jannis Hollmann is project manager and author at Consult-HR